Winning project
Ephemeral art installation in public space, reused materials
Horizons Sancy, St Diery, France, June 2024
Repurposed signpost, bicycle wheels, wire fence, reused fabrics
3,5m length 3,5m width, 2,5m height
Lost car wash in the middle of a forest, Greenwashing is an art installation crafted from repurposed materials, resonating with absurdity. Primarily composed of wire mesh assembled with bicycle wheels, onto which reused fabrics are attached, this piece starkly contrasts with its environment through its shape and colors.
The name Greenwashing, with a touch of irony, points to the contemporary desire to "cleanse through nature," often hypocritical and overly commercialized. The idea here is to change the perception of this pseudo-ecological ideology while creating an object with spatial and graphic qualities that blend into the landscape. Although its form somewhat resembles the surrounding trees, this installation invites reflection on the complex coexistence of the natural and the artificial in our modern world, prompting a reevaluation of human behavior towards nature through its improbability