Collective established by a duo of architects from different cultures, yet sharing the same vision of artistic expression through the lens of spatial work, encompassing elements of land art, installations, and micro-architectures. Joana and Vincent are committed to challenging the concepts of ephemerality and circularity through a practice focused on participation, reuse and revitalization of unused spaces.

Through their research, projects, and engaged installations, this initiative aims to reshape our perception of spatial dynamics, moving towards a more circular and sustainable system, enabling city dwellers to understand and harness all potential available resources.

"O muro," or "the wall" in Portuguese, encapsulates the fundamental essence of architecture, exploring notions of materiality, boundary, and scale. It incorporates numerous metaphors within the collective imagination: an insurmountable barrier, a canvas for expression, and also, when breached, a gateway to freedom.
Rooted in their physical, cultural, and historical context, the installations crafted by the collective narrate and unveil the spaces they inhabit, always placing visitors at the core of their experiences

    + REUSE

Through diagnosis and deconstruction, the collective wants to create a new practice, considering construction waste as a resource. The main objective is to analyze, deconstruct, stock, prepare and then reintroduce used construction materials into new projects, making our urban landscapes more sustainable.
This practice is not only about construction : the objective is also to create a sector with new non-delocalizable jobs.


With these same used materials, Muro Atelier creates ephemeral, participative and self-constructed urban art installation, to question our public space and increase citizen interaction with art, architecture, circularity and construction. Those urban installations tend to mark a collaborative presence in the city, telling different stories that interpret a spatial, cultural and social context.


Waste is not only material. Our initiative temporarily occupies unused buildings to turn them into ephemeral cultural centers and open them to the public. It helps create a global community in a city that is everyday more gentrified. Through an association called NA ESQUINA, the collective co-created two of these experimentation centers, and one is currently his shared workspace for impact projects and artist residencies. With these experimentations, Muro Atelier wants to desacralize construction, art and architecture, and empower people to build their own city, through inclusivity and circularity.